Lamb & Rice Kibble
Complete dry dog food
Wholesome, natural hypo-allergenic dog food. Helps loose bowels and calms itchy, irritated skin and coat. The benefits for your dogRegular feeding with lamb and rice has always been the traditional way to calm a dog?s digestion and help avoid allergic skin irritation. James Wellbeloved Lamb & Rice Kibble is a pure, natural, complete dry food of succulent lamb and brown rice. Barley is also added as a source of fibre and seaweed, alfalfa and yucca all bring health benefits. Ingredients and analysisFor a full ingredients list, analysis and pack sizes visit the relevant variant in the left hand menu bar. Ingredients and analysisIngredients: Rice, lamb meat meal, ground whole barley, potato protein, lamb fat, whole linseed, lamb gravy, sugar beet pulp, alfalfa, sodium chloride, natural seaweed, chicory extract, lysine, calcium carbonate, D,L-methionine, yucca extract, threonine, JWB special ingredients. Contains: Min 26% lamb, min 26% rice, min 14% barley. Typical analysis: Protein 24%, oil 10%, fibre 3.5%, ash 8.5%, omega-3 fatty acids 1.1%, omega-6 fatty acids 1.1%.