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Lamb & Vegetable Kibble

Complete cereal free dog food

Wholesome, natural hypo-allergenic dog food. Helps loose bowels and calms itchy, irritated skin and coat.

The benefits for your dog

Lamb & Vegetable Kibble is a cereal free complete and balanced food for dogs with extra sensitivities. Lamb is highly digestible and peas and potato supply additional protein and carbohydrate. We also add JW+ to help lubricate joints. The fantastic palatability of Lamb & Vegetable Kibble means that is also suitable for fussy eaters.

Ingredients and analysis

Ingredients: Lamb meat meal, pea starch, potato granules, tomato pomace, lamb fat, whole linseed, lamb gravy, peas, sugarbeet pulp, pea protein, alfalfa, carrot, natural seaweed, chicory pulp, sodium chloride, calcium carbonate, D,L-methionine, lysine, threonine, glucosamine (275mg/kg added), chondroitin (225mg/kg added)

Contains: Min. 26% lamb, min. 26% vegetables, min 0.3% JW+

Typical analysis: Protein 21%, oil 10.5%, ash 9.5%, fibre 4.8% omega-3 fatty acids 1.1%, omega-6 fatty acids 0.8%

Available in 1.5kg and 10kg.


James Wellbeloved Adult Food Lamb & Veg 1.5Kg
